Heel-to-Toe Drop


Heel-to-toe drop is a term used to describe the difference in height between the heel and forefoot of a shoe. It is also known as the “offset” or “drop”. The measurement is calculated by subtracting the height of the forefoot from the height of the heel.


The function of heel-to-toe drop is to influence the positioning of the foot and the distribution of weight during the gait cycle. The amount of drop can affect how the foot strikes the ground, which can have an impact on the distribution of forces through the lower leg and into the body.


The benefits of different heel-to-toe drops depend on the individual’s needs and preferences. Some potential benefits include:

  • Reduced stress on the lower leg muscles and joints
  • More natural foot positioning and gait
  • Increased stability and support
  • Enhanced shock absorption


Q: What is a typical heel-to-toe drop for running shoes?

A: The heel-to-toe drop for running shoes can range from 0mm (or “zero-drop”) to 12mm or more. However, the most common range is between 4mm and 8mm.

Q: What is the difference between a high and low heel-to-toe drop?

A: A high heel-to-toe drop (typically 10mm or more) can encourage heel striking during running, which can increase shock absorption and reduce stress on the lower leg muscles. A low heel-to-toe drop (typically 4mm or less) can encourage a more natural midfoot or forefoot strike, which can promote better balance and stability.

Q: How do I choose the right heel-to-toe drop for me?

A: It is important to consider your individual needs and preferences when choosing a heel-to-toe drop. Factors such as your running style, foot shape, and any existing injuries or conditions can all play a role. It may be helpful to try on different shoes with varying heel-to-toe drops to find the one that feels the most comfortable and supportive for you.

Q: Can heel-to-toe drop affect my risk of injury?

A: The impact of heel-to-toe drop on injury risk is still a topic of debate among experts. Some research suggests that a lower heel-to-toe drop can reduce the risk of certain injuries, while other studies have found no significant difference in injury rates between shoes with different drops. It is important to focus on finding a shoe that provides the right level of support and comfort for your individual needs, regardless of the specific heel-to-toe drop.


The heel-to-toe drop of a shoe is an important factor to consider when selecting footwear for different activities. It can influence foot positioning, weight distribution, and impact absorption, and can have a significant impact on comfort and performance. Understanding the benefits and potential drawbacks of different heel-to-toe drops can help individuals choose the best shoe for their needs.