
The drop, also known as the heel-to-toe offset, refers to the height difference between the heel and the forefoot of a shoe. The drop can affect the angle of the foot during activity and can impact the way the body absorbs shock.

Why is drop important?

The drop of a shoe can affect the angle of the foot during activity, which can impact the way the body absorbs shock. A shoe with a higher drop, meaning a greater difference in height between the heel and forefoot, can encourage heel striking during running, which can increase the shock absorbed by the body.

In contrast, a shoe with a lower drop, meaning a smaller difference in height between the heel and forefoot, can encourage a more natural stride and foot strike, reducing the amount of shock absorbed by the body.

Factors that affect drop

The drop of a shoe can be affected by several factors, including the type of activity the shoe is designed for and the preferences of the individual wearing the shoe.

Running shoes often have a higher drop, typically between 8-12mm, to encourage heel striking and reduce the amount of shock absorbed by the body. In contrast, minimalist shoes and some cross-training shoes may have a lower drop, typically between 0-4mm, to encourage a more natural foot strike and reduce the risk of injury.

How to choose the right drop

When choosing a shoe, it’s important to consider the type of activity you will be doing and your individual preferences. If you are a runner, a shoe with a higher drop may be more appropriate, while if you are looking for a more natural foot strike, a shoe with a lower drop may be a better option.

It’s also important to gradually transition to a shoe with a different drop to allow your body to adjust to the change in angle and foot strike.


Q: Can a shoe with a high drop cause injury?

A: A shoe with a high drop can increase the risk of injury if it encourages a heel strike and increases the amount of shock absorbed by the body. However, it’s important to find the right balance of drop and support for your individual needs.

Q: What is the ideal drop for running shoes?

A: The ideal drop for running shoes depends on individual preferences and the type of running you will be doing. However, most running shoes have a drop between 8-12mm to encourage heel striking and reduce the amount of shock absorbed by the body.

Q: Is a lower drop always better?

A: A lower drop is not always better, as it depends on individual preferences and the type of activity you will be doing. Shoes with a lower drop can encourage a more natural foot strike, but they may not provide enough cushioning and support for certain activities.

Q: How do I know if a shoe’s drop is right for me?

A: The best way to know if a shoe’s drop is right for you is to try on different shoes and gradually transition to a shoe with a different drop. Pay attention to how the shoe feels during activity and consider the type of activity you will be doing.

Q: Can I change the drop of my shoes?

A: It is not possible to change the drop of a shoe once it has been manufactured. If you are looking for a shoe with a different drop, you will need to purchase a new shoe with the desired drop.