High-Cut Collar


High-cut collars refer to the height of the collar or opening around the ankle in footwear. The collar typically extends above the ankle bone and provides additional support and coverage compared to low-cut and mid-cut collars.


High-cut collars serve different purposes and offer various benefits depending on the type of shoe. In hiking boots and work boots, high-cut collars provide increased ankle support and protection from debris and rough terrain. In basketball and other court sports shoes, high-cut collars offer stability and help prevent ankle injuries during quick movements and jumps.


Wearing shoes with high-cut collars provides several advantages, including:

  • Increased ankle support and stability
  • Protection from debris and rough terrain
  • Prevention of ankle injuries during physical activity
  • Enhanced style and design options


Here are some frequently asked questions related to high-cut collars:

Q: Are high-cut collars only found in certain types of shoes?

A: No, high-cut collars can be found in a variety of shoes, including hiking boots, work boots, basketball shoes, and more.

Q: Do high-cut collars restrict ankle movement?

A: While high-cut collars provide additional support and coverage, they do not necessarily restrict ankle movement. However, some individuals may find that high-cut collars take some time to get used to, especially if they are used to wearing low-cut or mid-cut shoes.

Q: Are high-cut collars necessary for preventing ankle injuries?

A: While high-cut collars can help prevent ankle injuries, they are not the only factor to consider. Proper form, conditioning, and wearing appropriate footwear for the activity are also essential for reducing the risk of injury.

Q: How do I know if a high-cut collar is the right choice for me?

A: Consider the type of activity you will be doing and the level of ankle support you require. Try on different shoes to find a comfortable and secure fit that provides the level of support and flexibility you need.


High-cut collars are a common design feature in footwear that provide increased ankle support, protection, and style options. Understanding their function and benefits can help individuals choose the right shoes for their needs and reduce the risk of ankle injuries during physical activity.