Pickleball: What Shoes Does Ben Johns Wear?


Ben Johns, a dominant force in the world of pickleball, has captured the attention of players and enthusiasts alike. His impact on the sport goes beyond his impressive record, as many pickleball players look to emulate his style and gear choices. One of the most important aspects of any pickleball player’s gear is the footwear. In this article, we will delve into the world of pickleball shoes, focusing specifically on what Ben Johns wears on the court.

Ben Johns Wears Babolat Men’s Jet Mach 3 shoes

Ben Johns currently wears the Babolat Men’s Jet Mach 3, which is currently selling on Amazon at $89 – $152.13. You can buy it at Amazon by clicking this link – Babolat Men’s Jet Mach 3 All Court Tennis Shoes

Section 1: Understanding Pickleball Footwear

Why Pickleball Shoes Matter

Pickleball shoes are not just regular athletic shoes. They are designed specifically to meet the unique demands of the sport. These shoes offer superior traction, stability, and cushioning compared to regular athletic shoes. As a result, they help players maintain balance and quick lateral movements while reducing the risk of injury.

Ben Johns’ Pickleball Shoe Requirements

Ben Johns’ playing style is known for its agility, power, and precision. His footwear must provide excellent support, cushioning, and grip to keep up with his dynamic movements. Additionally, Ben Johns needs shoes with good ventilation to keep his feet comfortable during long matches and tournaments.

Brands and Models Worn by Ben Johns

Over the years, Ben Johns has been seen wearing a variety of pickleball shoe brands and models in various tournaments. Some of the notable brands and models include:

  1. HEAD: Ben has been known to wear HEAD pickleball shoes, which offer great stability, grip, and comfort for players at all levels.
  2. ASICS: Another popular choice among pickleball players, ASICS shoes provide excellent cushioning and support, making them a suitable option for Ben’s playing style.

Each of these brands offers a range of models with unique features and benefits that cater to the needs of different players, including Ben Johns.

Section 2: Choosing the Right Pickleball Shoes

Features to Look for in Pickleball Shoes

When choosing pickleball shoes, consider the following features:

  • Traction: A shoe with a non-marking, durable sole provides better grip on the court.
  • Cushioning: Adequate cushioning helps to reduce the impact on joints during play.
  • Support: Look for shoes with good arch and ankle support to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Ventilation: Breathable materials help to keep your feet comfortable during play.

Reviews of the Best Pickleball Shoes

To find the best pickleball shoes for your needs, be sure to read reviews and compare different models based on their features, benefits, and price points. As you explore the market, keep in mind that the best shoes for you will ultimately depend on your playing style and personal preferences.


Wearing the proper pickleball shoes is crucial for both performance and injury prevention. As you search for the perfect pair, don’t be afraid to try out different brands and models. Remember, finding the best fit for your needs is key, just as Ben Johns has done throughout his successful career.


Q: What are the most important features of pickleball shoes?

A: Traction, cushioning, support, and ventilation are some of the most important features to look for in pickleball shoes.

Q: Are expensive pickleball shoes always better than budget options?

A: Not necessarily. While higher-priced shoes may offer more advanced features, a well-fitting budget option may still provide adequate performance for many players.

Q: How often should I replace my pickleball shoes?

A: It’s recommended to replace pickleball shoes every 6-12 months, depending on the frequency of play and the level of wear and tear on the shoes.

Q: Can I wear regular athletic shoes for pickleball?

A: While you can wear regular athletic shoes, it’s not recommended. Pickleball shoes are designed specifically for the sport’s unique demands and provide better traction, support, and cushioning, which are essential for optimal performance and injury prevention.

Q: What is the difference between indoor and outdoor pickleball shoes?

A: Indoor pickleball shoes usually have a gum rubber sole for better grip on indoor courts, while outdoor pickleball shoes have a more durable sole to withstand the rougher surfaces of outdoor courts. Additionally, outdoor shoes may offer more breathability and weather resistance.

In conclusion, understanding the importance of proper pickleball footwear and the specific shoes worn by top players like Ben Johns can help you make informed decisions when choosing your own gear. Don’t forget to consider your playing style, preferences, and budget when selecting the right pair of shoes for you.

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